Analysis of late truck cancellation
Middle Mile, Amazon
Setting up S&OP process for local divisions
ABB India

Created metrics to measure impact of truck cancellations on middle mile transportation network.

Built automated Tableau dashboard using SQL queries to track cancellations and identify improvement areas.

Proposed workstreams to reduce cancellation defects by 60% and generate $105M in expected savings.

Developed end-to-end Sales & Operations Planning process for $24M business and trained employees for new process.

Created process flow and led the implementation of SAP ERP system for the local business unit. Developed automated dashboards for management review.

Delivered a reduction of 25% in purchasing cycle time and increased inventory turns by 16%

A few of my projects...

Setting up automated purchase policy for traction products
ABB India
Reduction of non-moving/slow moving inventory
ABB India

Analyzed and classified 1500+ components sourced from 120+ vendors based on the cost, lead time and criticality.

Developed automated purchase policy for least critical C class components which delivered savings of around $300K annually.

Delivered SKU rationalization by pruning 200+ redundant C parts through standardization of selection process by engineering team.

Created automated reports to identify non-moving/slow-moving raw material inventory.

Created mechanism and communication channels to share information across different divisions to enable multi-location inventory optimization

Delivered a hard savings of $150K in the first year of implementation

Web Application for Covid Analytics
Design of inventory model for a limited capacity Vehicle Sharing System
MS, UW Madison

A multi-page application to visualize Covid-19 cases in India. This was implemented in Dash, and SQL. The website was hosted through Heroku.

Designed an inventory model for a two-way vehicle sharing system delivering 60% savings from the base case.

Logistics Optimization for Quad Graphics
MS, UW Madison
Quick Response Manufacturing - Kelley-Moss Road & Race
Student Consultant, UW Madison

Developed a logistics strategy incorporating Intermodal & Truckload shipment through rigorous analysis of historical data, resulting in 35% savings.

Using Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) principles, we recommended cell manufacturing for their custom project builds which expects to reduce the lead time by 20% with minimal investments.

Expected ROI of 300% over three years.

Applied Temporal Data Analytics
MS, UW Madison
Web development for Human Factors Journal
Project Assistant, UW Madison

Built an R-shiny app to predict future stock prices based on the historical trends. This project was done from a temporal analytics perspective.

Built web based dashboard using Tableau, Python & SQL to to streamline the process of searching for associate editors, editorial board members, and preferred reviewers.